Friday, October 23, 2009

Astri and Nana's First Baby Girl

You saw the baby with the 100th paper crane right?! I bet you want the zoom-in version of the picture to see clearly how cute is the baby. For those of you who can't visit the baby, here we go! The picture included some information too.

Picture 001

Why a baby always have a cute face?! Her name is Fahima Ayana Sutisna. She have an apple chick that make her even prettier.

Teh Astri dan K'Nana, selamat ya?! Semoga anaknya menjadi anak yang sehat, soleh dan penyejuk hati orang tua. Amin........


Muhammad Ismail Aji said...

subhanallah, gemuk banget..
beratnya 3,4 kilo ya?
sekarang kok lagi 'ngetrend' ya bayi2 berbadan besar? hehe..

Semoga jadi anak yang sholehah.. Amin.

mayamalinda said...

cantiiiiikkk... semoga menjadi anak yang sholehah,, amin,,

Syafiq Irsyadi said...

ekspresi pertama, ndut banget >:)
tapi cantik, pipinya merah :)

dan tangisnya, wew, melengking

nana said...

@syafiq : kapan nih mau fotoin de' Aya?. De' Aya udah siap jadi modelnya Om Syafiq :)

Syafiq Irsyadi said...

satu foto dulu deh, foto punya nisa,

atau di (lokal ITB),

baby aya :)

Syafiq Irsyadi said...

eh salah, yang tadi cuma thumbnail, hehehe,

aga gedean dikit,