Saturday, January 30, 2010

172nd to 195th paper cranes


Place: Signal Processing Laboratory, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Paper: different kind of craft

Story: my newest desk. New PC and double huge monitor. Lab members treat me very nice, thank you ^^

It's been a long time since I posted about paper cranes. I had no camera so I can't took any paper crane picture. But now, I have camera. Happy.... ^^ From now I will try to post paper cranes everyday.

I was moved from Bandung [Indonesia] to Toyohashi [Japan]. This is my first winter -there's no winter in Indonesia- and I had lots of good experience. From winter itch to watching snow falling down from the sky.

1 comment:

Syafiq Irsyadi said...

3rd comment,

24 crane at once!
(hope this time my math don't fail me)

omedeto, for the revived crane project ^^